Gulp stack for static page dev

Nice cool **gulp recipes** all together

Gulppage serve static files (html, css, js) based on compiled sources. It is built over gulp and provides a quick and easy environment for building static pages from scratch.

It provides a large features and options to make page dev quick: less compilation, javascript browerification, vendor management, fontello integration and much more. An effort has been done on log too, in order to provide quick debug if needed.

It also comes with an export command. So once your dev is ok, you can export the result easily in a tarball and put it on a server.

For any bug or feature query, please report to the github project


  • html:
    • linter: htmlhint, with your own custom options (see options for more details).
    • compilation:
      • usemin allow you concat and easily embed vendor javascript, css or external html;
      • minification with htmlmin, with your own cutom options (see options for more details);
      • file include to get basic html includes or templating.
  • js:
    • linter: jsHint based on the .jshintrc project file and/or custom options.
    • compilation:
  • less:
  • assets:
  • icons
    • command line to open and select your fontello icon set, and once done, to import and save it locally.
  • livereload: All the task for Javascript, Css, Html or assets comes with livereload option, so you can dev fast
  • project reseting:
    • a gulp task allow you to clean up all the generated files fast;
  • gulpfile:
    • autorestart server when changed


To install in a "mylanding" folder, use shell command and run:

git clone mylanding cd mylanding make install


All the common run task comes with make and package the gulp task in order.

note: Take care to avoid folder with the same name as main args, ie "install", "update", "reset", "watch", "export", "fontgettoken", "fontopenmac", "fontopenlinux", "fontsave"

Make update

Update the packages dependancies, both bower and npm. Clean the old ones and install the new ones (prune).

Make reset

Delete the compiled files and the installed bower/npm packages. You can then rerun make install to restart a new project.

Make watch

Build the initial sources and start watching all the source for livereloading.

Make export

Rebuild clean output and make a tarball.

Fonticon management

make fonopenmac and make fonopenlinux open the fonticon set in your browser. You can thus edit all you need and save the session directly on your browser. THen run make fontsavein your term, and the new font package will be importer. If you host your own fontelle server, edit the makefile option.

Sample / Demo

If you wanna see a basic usage sample, run the project by with src-sample (remove src folder and rename src-sample to src, or edit the config.js file). You'll have a really basic example with less working (bootstrap integration), browserify, a stupid image asset and an icon. You can sse the result on this page.


  • By using usemin plugin over your css/js compiled files, you automatically have file revision, so no fucking browser cache problem;
  • With fontello, you can use your own fonticon / svg by importing them and keep track easily;
  • take care of keeping fonticon css file (or any file using css import) out of usemin to avoid import breakings;
  • If you work on email templating, modify the gulpfile to use gulp inline css plugin. I'll maybe do a branch or another repo for that kind of work.


Project released under MIT licence.

This page is almost ridiculous but let you see code sample with most of gulp tasks working: less w/ vars, browserify, asset optim, live-reload, markdown integration and so on.
Content is from the project README page. No marketing, just dev explaination.